Your specialists for hormonal diseases
The Clinic for Endocrinology and Metabolic Medicine (including the lipid metabolism division) specializes in the following metabolic diseases:
- Overweight and obesity
- high blood pressure
- Type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Lipid metabolism disorders
- Thyroid disease
- Bone metabolism disorders, for example osteoporosis
- Pituitary, adrenal and other diseases
Comprehensive patient care is provided in diagnostics and therapy. For example, all patients with hormonal bone diseases or suspected diseases such as osteoporosis are offered a bone density test. This is also called dual X‑ray absorptiometry, or DXA for short.
The Clinic for Endocrinology and Metabolic Medicine is a center of excellence in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with endocrine tumors, such as adrenal carcinomas, thyroid carcinomas, pheochromocytomas and pituitary adenomas.
In the field of nutritional medicine and diabetology, the day clinic offers, among other things, individualized nutritional therapies for the treatment of diabetes patients with a high need for insulin: so-called oat days.
Diseases of the lipid or fat metabolism are looked after especially during the consultation hours at the Charité Campus Mitte and in the lipid outpatient department at the Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum.
The locations of the clinic with its outpatient departments, the ward and day clinic are spread over the Campi Charité Mitte, Benjamin Franklin (Steglitz), Virchow-Klinikum (Wedding) and Berlin-Buch.
In basic and clinical research, the employees deal scientifically with hormonal disorders, nutritional medicine issues and metabolic diseases such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, adrenal carcinoma or diseases of the pituitary gland. This direct access to the latest research results enables patients to be offered the best and most up-to-date therapy options.
Prevention strategies for the major nutrition-dependent diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, arteriosclerosis and obesity are the subject of long-term studies. Adipose tissue hormones (adipocytokines), metabolic hormones and vascular regulation as well as their connection with nutrition should be better understood. Taking into account the individual genetic characteristics, the findings are used preventively.
Endocrinological working groups deal with
- the cortisol metabolism,
- the regulation of growth hormones,
- polycystic ovary syndrome,
- Thyroid disease and
- of insulin secretion.