Kantpraxis Berlin — your individual prevention 15 Jahre Erfahrung

The Kant prac­ti­ce stands for com­pre­hen­si­ve medi­cal care, com­pe­tent, indi­vi­du­al and per­so­nal in a plea­sant atmosphere. 

The lar­ge team of doc­tors is com­ple­men­ted by dif­fe­rent focu­ses. Bes­i­des medi­cal advice an tre­at­ment our expe­ri­en­ced assi­stant staff cares friend­ly and com­pe­tent for your concerns. 

Each of our pati­ents has a per­ma­nent medi­cal con­ta­ct, but if necessa­ry, the other col­leagues in the Kant prac­ti­ce can also be con­sul­ted at any time if necessa­ry, depen­ding on their focus. Ser­vice to the pati­ent is natu­ral for us and we stri­ve to con­ti­nuous­ly impro­ve it.


Kur­fürs­ten­damm 42
10719 Ber­lin

Tel.: (030) 887 14 46 – 0
Fax: (030) 887 14 46 – 19
E‑Mail: service[at]kantpraxis.de


Our range of services

Family Doctor Care

Here, trustworthy, long-term care for all your health issues is important to us.

You have a per­ma­nent con­ta­ct per­son who knows and under­stands you and your health con­cerns, and acts and tre­ats you as a partner.

Fami­ly doc­tor care inclu­des all acu­te and chro­nic inter­nal dise­a­ses, e.g. high blood pres­su­re, car­diac arrhyth­mi­as such as atri­al fibril­la­ti­on, coro­na­ry heart dise­a­se, dia­be­tes mel­li­tus, thy­ro­id dise­a­ses, respi­ra­to­ry dise­a­ses, dise­a­ses of the diges­ti­ve organs, reco­gni­ti­on and tre­at­ment of risk fac­tors. In princip­le, all other ser­vices of the Kant prac­ti­ce (spe­cia­list are­as) are inte­gra­ted wit­hin the frame­work of gene­ral prac­ti­tio­ner care.

Through our prac­ti­ce, pati­ents with sta­tu­to­ry health insuran­ce can take part in the DMP (Dise­a­se Manage­ment Pro­gram) pro­gram of the health insuran­ce com­pa­nies for type 2 dia­be­tes mel­li­tus, CHD and COPD.


Health care and pre­ven­ti­ve medi­ci­ne are beco­m­ing incre­a­singly important. Many peop­le reco­gni­ze that a pru­dent and for­ward-loo­king approach to their own health is an important buil­ding block for their well-being in the future. We would like to sup­port you with coor­di­na­ted check-up packa­ges and our indi­vi­du­al­ly selec­ta­ble check-ups.

Health check basis

around 35 years

Premium health check

35–45 years 

Health check Premium Plus

around 55 years

We want to support you in the long term

In con­trast to many other insti­tu­tes for pre­ven­ti­ve medi­ci­ne, our per­so­nal care does not end after the con­sci­en­tious and indi­vi­du­al exami­na­ti­ons. We are inte­res­ted in sus­tainab­le sup­port and advice, we see our­sel­ves as a loy­al com­pa­n­ion in all your health issu­es, as your “health manager”.

Detect, treat and alleviate illnesses at an early stage

Through tho­rough exami­na­ti­ons and iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of pos­si­ble risk fac­tors, some of the most com­mon dise­a­ses, e.g. in the car­dio­vascu­lar area, can be alle­via­ted or even avoided. The occur­rence of dise­a­ses such as colon can­cer can also often be pre­ven­ted by time­ly pre­ven­ti­ve care. Take advan­ta­ge of the­se opportunities!

Check-ups for companies

The deman­ds on peop­le in mana­ge­ri­al posi­ti­ons are incre­a­sing, and both phy­si­cal and men­tal health must be main­tai­ned. The well-being and health of employees are the­re­fo­re a pre­re­qui­si­te for a sta­ble, effi­ci­ent company.

Show your employees that you care as an employ­er and show your appre­cia­ti­on by enab­ling regu­lar com­pa­ny-spon­so­red pre­ven­ti­ve examinations.

In a plea­sant, friend­ly and pro­fes­sio­nal atmo­s­phe­re, we car­ry out pre­ven­ti­ve exami­na­ti­ons to unco­ver poten­ti­al risk fac­tors for ill­nes­ses and to pro­vi­de your employees with advice and assi­s­tance when it comes to main­tai­ning their health. 

Let us make you an offer, we will be happy to advise you. 


The gastrointestinal examinations are carried out by specialists in internal medicine and gastroenterology

Dr. med. Mech­tild Thu­ma, Dr. med. Lutz Lie­bich-Bar­tho­lain, Dr. med. Johan­nes Barth, Dr. med. Anke Wilks as well as Dr. med. Ulri­ke Rie­gel­mann are spe­cia­li­zed in the dia­gno­sis and the­ra­py of dise­a­ses that affect the diges­ti­ve tract. More than 2300 endo­scopic exami­na­ti­ons (gastro­scopy and colono­scopy) are car­ri­ed out in our affi­lia­ted endo­scopy rooms every year.

Expe­ri­en­ced and empa­the­tic assi­stants make the exami­na­ti­ons pos­si­ble in a trus­ting, plea­sant atmo­s­phe­re. On request, the exami­na­ti­ons can of cour­se be car­ri­ed out with safe seda­ti­on (“sleep injec­tion”). In order to make the exami­na­ti­on as safe as pos­si­ble, plea­se inform us in advan­ce if you weigh more than 100kg.

Ano­t­her focus is the tre­at­ment of inflamma­to­ry bowel dise­a­ses such as ulce­ra­ti­ve coli­tis or Crohn’s dise­a­se. For this we offer a spe­cial gas­tro­en­te­ro­lo­gi­cal consultation.

Our diagnostic gastroenterological services include in detail:

  • Eso­phago­gastro­scopy
    Reflec­tion of the eso­pha­gus, sto­mach and duo­denum with remo­val of biop­sies and exami­na­ti­on for e.g. heli­co­bac­ter pylo­ri and sprue (glu­ten intolerance)
  • Colono­scopy
    Colono­scopy as can­cer pre­ven­ti­on with remo­val of polyps or with exis­ting sym­ptoms such as per­sis­tent diar­r­hea or bleeding
  • Sono­gra­phy
    Ultra­sound exami­na­ti­on of the ent­i­re abdo­mi­nal cavi­ty and other inter­nal organs
  • C13 breath test
    Exami­na­ti­on of the breath for the pre­sence of heli­co­bac­ter pylori
  • Lac­to­se and fruc­to­se breath test
    Breath test for the detec­tion of into­le­ran­ce to lac­to­se or fructose

Cardiovascular diseases

Modern diagnostics

In Kant’s prac­ti­ce, we have a wide ran­ge of dia­gnostic opti­ons to be acti­ve both in the pre­ven­ti­on and tre­at­ment of car­dio­vascu­lar dise­a­ses, such as high blood pres­su­re, cir­cu­la­to­ry dis­or­ders in the heart (CHD), car­diac arrhyth­mi­as, asth­ma or COPD (chro­nic obst­ruc­ti­ve Lung dise­a­se) can be iden­ti­fied and treated.

Diagnostic options:

  • ECG, 24-hour ECG, ergo­me­try (bicy­cle stress ECG)
  • 24-hour blood pres­su­re measurement
  • Pul­mo­na­ry func­tion exami­na­ti­on (spi­ro­me­try)
  • Car­diac ultrasound *
  • Duplex sono­gra­phy of the caro­tids * (ultra­sound of the neck vessels)

* Pri­va­te ser­vice accord­ing to GOÄ


The rheumatological care is provided by specialists in internal medicine and rheumatology

Dr. med. Mar­cus Thu­ma and Dr. Ana­bell Neren­heim offer a spe­cial con­sul­ta­ti­on hour for rheu­ma­tic dise­a­ses. Inflamma­to­ry rheu­ma­tic dise­a­ses are often com­plex immu­no­lo­gi­cal dise­a­ses that can affect not only joints, but also skin, eyes, ner­vous sys­tem and inter­nal organs and, in the worst case, cau­se joint and organ damage.

While ortho­pe­dic dise­a­ses are often com­p­laints due to signs of wear and tear or after inju­ries, rheu­ma­tic com­p­laints invol­ve inflamma­to­ry reac­tions in the body, which are often exces­si­ve reac­tions of the auto­im­mu­ne sys­tem.
The varie­ty of sym­ptoms requi­res a pre­cise exami­na­ti­on both in the dia­gno­sis and in the fur­ther con­ti­nuous care of rheu­ma­tism suf­fe­rers, which requi­res the use of the most modern labo­ra­to­ry ana­ly­sis and ima­ging methods as well as human-psy­cho­lo­gi­cal competence.

For this two col­leagues with dif­fe­rent focu­ses are avail­ab­le to you. Com­plex and dif­fi­cult cli­ni­cal pic­tures are regu­lar­ly dis­cus­sed in the spe­cia­list inter­nal medi­ci­ne team.

We can offer you important examination procedures for optimal prevention, diagnosis and therapy:

  • In-depth, detail­ed medi­cal histo­ry and spe­ci­fic rheu­ma­to­lo­gi­cal phy­si­cal exami­na­ti­on procedures
  • Ultra­sound exami­na­ti­on of the joints and adja­cent soft tis­su­es such as mus­cles and liga­ments as well as inter­nal organs
  • Tar­ge­ted punc­tu­re of joints for dia­gnostic and the­ra­peu­tic purposes
  • Com­pre­hen­si­ve immu­no­lo­gi­cal labo­ra­to­ry dia­gnostics of the blood
  • Tar­ge­ted and indi­vi­du­al­ly adap­ted the­ra­py using basic anti-inflamma­to­ry drugs and anti­bo­dy the­ra­pies. Natur­o­pa­thic con­cepts are also used here.

Vaccination Advice

In our prac­ti­ce, exten­si­ve vac­ci­na­ti­on and tra­vel medi­cal advice is car­ri­ed out. Of cour­se, the flu vac­ci­ne is also avail­ab­le in suf­fi­ci­ent quan­ti­ties every year.

For plan­ned boos­ter vac­ci­na­ti­ons such as teta­nus, diph­the­ria, polio and hepa­ti­tis or flu, no sepa­ra­te appoint­ment is requi­red, but to be on the safe side, inqui­re by pho­ne or have a pre­scrip­ti­on made out in advan­ce whe­ther the vac­ci­ne is in stock. For more exten­si­ve con­sul­ta­ti­ons in the con­text of long-distance tra­vel, we recom­mend that you make an appoint­ment with our doctors.

We are guided by the current vaccination recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute in accordance with the guidelines

Diagnostics and Laboratory

Important on-site investigations

The labo­ra­to­ry is open for blood tests and vac­ci­na­ti­ons that have been agreed with the doc­tor at the fol­lowing times:

Mon­day, Tues­day, Thurs­day:
8:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m.
Wed­nes­day, Fri­day:
8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

The blood tests for our pati­ents who come for the Mar­cu­mar check-up take place Mon­day to Thurs­day bet­ween 8 a.m. and 11 a.m.

Our expe­ri­en­ced employees in the labo­ra­to­ry car­ry out rou­ti­ne blood with­dra­wals, vac­ci­na­ti­ons, intra­venous infu­si­ons and intra­mus­cu­lar injec­tions. Rapid uri­ne tests are car­ri­ed out direct­ly in the prac­ti­ce. Dres­sing chan­ges and post­ope­ra­ti­ve wound con­trols are car­ri­ed out.

In principle, we can offer all diagnostic laboratory tests in cooperation with the ZIBP laboratory:
  • Blood test (blood for­ma­ti­on, meta­bo­lism, inter­nal organs, kid­neys, uri­na­ry tract, diges­ti­ve tract, all­er­gies, immunodiagnostics)
  • Uri­na­ly­sis
  • Stool exami­na­ti­ons (patho­gen dia­gnostics, immu­no­lo­gi­cal stool test for colon can­cer screening)
  • Joint aspi­ra­tes

In addi­ti­on to labo­ra­to­ry dia­gnostics, our employees are respon­si­ble for per­forming EKGs, 24-hour EKGs, 24-hour blood pres­su­re mea­su­re­ments and lung func­tion tests.


individual care, preventive medicine

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